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Write an app for a hexpansion

This document is a work in progress. More details will be added as they become available.

If you've created a hexpansion that needs software to make it work, then you'll need to write an app for it.

The general process of writing an app is covered in the app documentation, but there are some additional steps required to interact with a hexpansion.

Different approaches

There are three options for your hexpansion app:

  1. Your hexpansion has an EEPROM and your app will be written to it and run from it.
  2. Your hexpansion has an EEPROM, but your app is going to be downloaded from the app store and run separately.
  3. Your hexpansion does not have an EEPROM, so your app will be downloaded from the app store and run separately.

Which approach you use is dependent on the hexpansion you're writing an app for and your own personal preference. If your app is likely to be so large that it'll exceed the space on the EEPROM, you might want to explore cross-compiling your app using mpy-cross to reduce its size. If your app is still too large, option 2 is your best bet.

If you're confident that your app will fit within the EEPROM filesystem of your hexpansion, option 1 is your friend.

If your hexpansion has no EEPROM then you can still interact with it from your app, but it requires some user input.

Finding your hexpansion

In order to make your hexpansion do something, you'll need to know where it is plugged in on the badge. The six hexpansion ports are numbered 1-6, clockwise from the upper-right-hand port (the port above the USB out connector). Information about where your hexpansion is plugged in and the I/O available to it is stored in a HexpansionConfig object.

Below is an example of how you find which port your hexpansion is plugged in to for each of the above three scenarios.

If your app is loaded from EEPROM on a hexpansion, the relevant HexpansionConfig object is automatically passed to your app.

Note that your app must emit a RequestForegroundPushEvent in order to display automatically when the hexpansion is inserted.

import app
from app_components import clear_background
from system.eventbus import eventbus
from events.input import Buttons, BUTTON_TYPES, ButtonDownEvent
from import RequestForegroundPushEvent

class ExampleApp(app.App):
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        self.button_states = Buttons(self)
        self.hexpansion_config = config
        self.foregrounded = False
        eventbus.on(ButtonDownEvent, self._handle_buttondown, self)

    def update(self, delta):
        if not self.foregrounded: # Bring the app to the foreground on first run
            self.foregrounded = True

        if self.hexpansion_config:

    def draw(self, ctx):
        ctx.rgb(0, 1, 0).move_to(50,0).text("Hello from your\nhexpansion!")

        return None

    def _handle_buttondown(self, event: ButtonDownEvent):
        if BUTTON_TYPES["CANCEL"] in event.button:

    def _cleanup(self):
        eventbus.remove(ButtonDownEvent, self._handle_buttondown,

    __app_export__ = ExampleApp


For this method to work, your EEPROM needs to be properly provisioned with the correct header information.

If it's an app loaded from the badge, you'll need to search each port for your hexpansion, and then create the HexpansionConfig object once you've found it:

import app

from machine import I2C

from app_components import clear_background
from events.input import Buttons, BUTTON_TYPES
from system.eventbus import eventbus
from import HexpansionRemovalEvent, HexpansionInsertionEvent
from system.hexpansion.config import HexpansionConfig
from system.hexpansion.util import read_hexpansion_header, detect_eeprom_addr

class ExampleApp(app.App):
    def __init__(self):
        self.button_states = Buttons(self)
        self.text = "No hexpansion found."
        self.hexpansion_config = self.scan_for_hexpansion()

        eventbus.on(HexpansionInsertionEvent, self.handle_hexpansion_insertion, self)
        eventbus.on(HexpansionRemovalEvent, self.handle_hexpansion_removal, self)

    def handle_hexpansion_insertion(self, event):
        self.hexpansion_config = self.scan_for_hexpansion()

    def handle_hexpansion_removal(self, event):
        self.hexpansion_config = self.scan_for_hexpansion()

    def update(self, delta):
        if self.button_states.get(BUTTON_TYPES["CANCEL"]):

        if self.hexpansion_config:

    def draw(self, ctx):
        ctx.rgb(0, 1, 0).move_to(-90, -40).text(self.text)

    def scan_for_hexpansion(self):
        for port in range(1, 7):
            print(f"Searching for hexpansion on port: {port}")
            i2c = I2C(port)
            addr,addr_len = detect_eeprom_addr(i2c) # Firmware version 1.8 and upwards only!

            if addr is None:
                print("Found EEPROM at addr " + hex(addr))

            header = read_hexpansion_header(i2c, addr)
            if header is None:
                print("Read header: " + str(header))
            self.text = "Hexp. found.\nvid: {}\npid: {}\nat port: {}".format(hex(header.vid), hex(, port)
            # You can add some logic here to check the PID and VID match your hexpansion
            return HexpansionConfig(port)

        self.color = (1, 0, 0)
        self.text = "No hexpansion found."

        return None

__app_export__ = ExampleApp

If your hexpansion does not have an EEPROM, there is nothing for the badge to look for to detect it's presence. Because of this, you can ask the user to select the hexpansion port manually using a simple menu system, and then create a HexpansionConfig object from there:

import asyncio
import app

from system.hexpansion.config import *
from app_components import clear_background, Menu
from app_components.tokens import colors
from math import pi

menu_items = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]

class ExampleApp(app.App):
    def __init__(self): = Menu(self, menu_items, select_handler=self.select_handler, back_handler=self.back_handler)
        self.hexpansion_config = None

    def select_handler(self, item, idx):
        self.hexpansion_config = HexpansionConfig(idx+1)

    def back_handler(self):

    def update(self, delta):
        if self.hexpansion_config is None:
        # else:
            # We have a hexpansion config, do some stuff with it!

    def draw(self, ctx):

        if self.hexpansion_config is None:

            # This might look weird, but we're just drawing a shape as a port indicator.
            ctx.font_size = 22
            ctx.text_align = ctx.CENTER
            ctx.rgb(*colors["dark_green"]).rectangle(-120, -120, 240, 100).fill()
            ctx.rgb(*colors["dark_green"]).rectangle(-120, 20, 240, 100).fill()
            rotation_angle =*pi/3
            ctx.rgb(*colors["mid_green"]).rotate(rotation_angle).rectangle(80, -120, 40, 240).fill()
            prompt_message = "Select hexpansion port:"
            ctx.rgb(1, 1, 1).rotate(-rotation_angle).move_to(0, -45).text(prompt_message)

            ctx.font_size = 24
            ctx.text_align = ctx.CENTER
            msg = "Hexpansion in port " + str(self.hexpansion_config.port)
            ctx.rgb(1, 1, 1).text(msg)

__app_export__ = ExampleApp

The HexpansionConfig class

The HexpansionConfig object that you get after following the examples is where the magic all happens. It allows you to access the following:

Object Description Example Usage
HexpansionConfig.port The port number your hexpansion is connected to.[] A list of 4 Pin objects. These are the high-speed, direct GPIO pins for this hexpansion port. See MicroPython Docs
HexpansionConfig.ls_pin[] A list of 5 ePin objects for this hexpansion port. These are the external, low-speed GPIO pins for this hexpansion port. See pins
HexpansionConfig.i2c The dedicated I2C object for this hexpansion port. See I2C

Pin vs ePin

Hexpansion ports have two types of GPIO pins - Pin objects and ePin objects. The difference between these is important, and would have been a key design consideration for your hexpansion.

Pin objects are regular high speed GPIO pins. These are available through[]. They are connected directly to the GPIO pins of the ESP32-S3, and can be controlled using the standard MicroPython Pin API. These pins are available for routing any of the unused peripherals from the ESP32-S3 to, so you could configure them as an SPI bus, use the RMT peripheral, be a PWM output etc. You can also use them for any other GPIO tasks where switching speed is important, such as communicating on an arbitrary protocol. Don't try to source or sink too much current from these pins - the usual rules for connecting things to microcontroller pins apply here.

Using the ADC

If you want to use the analogue to digital converter (ADC) peripheral of the ESP32-S3, your hexpansion needs to be in port 4, 5 or 6. Your detection code should be written to check for this and act accordingly. See electrical interface.

ePin objects are lower speed, external GPIOs. These are not connected directly to the ESP32-S3, but are instead connected via a GPIO expander IC over an I2C bus. Because the badge has to talk to the GPIO expander to change the state of the pins, these pins cannot be switched as fast as the Pin objects, but are still plenty fast for indicator LEDs, input buttons, or anything that requires a simple high/low logic level. The GPIO expander IC also provides a constant current LED driver, so you can connect LEDs directly to these pins and control their brightness in hardware. ePin objects use a slightly different API to Pin objects.

Further development

The objects you can access through HexpansionConfig should allow you to develop your app using standard MicroPython methods.

Your app can also register handlers for HexpansionInsertionEvent and HexpansionRemovalEvent event types, to deal with new hexpansions being plugged in or removed. An example of this is available in the app examples.