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Eventbus overview

You can register your events and event handlers with the Eventbus package:


You can use your own events directly with an event handler that you register on the eventbus.

  1. Import the system.eventbus package:

    from system.eventbus import eventbus
  2. Define an event:

    class SpecialEvent:
    def __init__(self):
    def __str__(self):
        return "special event"
  3. Define a synchronous or asynchronous method to be called when the event occurs:

    def handle_event(self, event):
        # do something
    async def handle_event_async(self, event):
        # do something
  4. Register your event handler, for example in the __init__ method of your app with the event and the event handler. Depending on whether the event handler is a synchronous or asynchronous method call on() or on_async():

    def __init__(self):
        eventbus.on(SpecialEvent, self.handle_event,
    def __init__(self):
        eventbus.on_async(SpecialEvent, self.handle_event_async,
  5. Add code to emit the event, for example in your app's update() method. Depending on whether the event handler is a synchronous or asynchronous method call emit() or emit_async():

    def update(self, delta):
        # If something happens
    async def update(self, delta):
        # If something happens
        await eventbus.emit_async(SpecialEvent())
  6. Remove the event handler when the app is minimised or closed.

    eventbus.remove(SpecialEvent, self.handle_event,


    Make sure you remove the event handler when the app is minimised or closed!

You can see a more comprehensive example in or


You can use the following methods on the eventbus:

Method Description Arguments Returns
on(event_type, event_handler, app) Register an event for an app alongside the synchronous handler to be called when the event fires.
  • event_type: The event, for example ButtonDownEvent. An event object must have the methods __init__() and __str__().
  • event_handler: The synchronous function to be called when the event fires to handle the event.
  • app: The app this event is being registered for.
on_async(event_type, event_handler, app) Register an event for an app alongside the asynchronous handler to be called when the event fires.
  • event_type: The event, for example ButtonDownEvent. An event object must have the methods __init__() and __str__().
  • event_handler: The asynchronous function to be called when the event fires to handle the event.
  • app: The app this event is being registered for.
emit(event) Emit an event to the eventbus. The handler for the event must be synchronous. event : The event, for example ButtonDownEvent. An event object must have the methods __init__() and __str__(). None
emit_async(event) Emit an event to the eventbus. The handler for the event must be asynchronous. event : The event, for example ButtonDownEvent. An event object must have the methods __init__() and __str__(). None
remove(event_type, event_handler, app) Remove the event for an app from the eventbus.
  • event_type: The event to be removed.
  • event_handler: The asynchronous function to be called when the event fires to handle the event.
  • app: The app this event is being removed for.